Snight B - Wanna Do

After listening to ‘Wanna Do’ by Snight B I am unsure as to where my taste in jams currently stands. This song was unlike anything I have ever heard before. It was a tune that stood out to me on just so many levels; it’s lustrous, electrifyingly vibrant, sensational, smooth and robust all at once. It has me so far stretched out on both sides of the field to the point that it was difficult to find myself in the middle. At the same time though, I am very content with where I am situated in the world when listening to this hit. I find myself grooving from finish to start and from top to bottom. The entire song is an experience and there is nothing else I want from the world as I am listening to this beauty of a piece. There’s a million good things I can say about this insanely fire ass track yet I feel you should simply take a listen for yourself and see what the hype is all about. Have a listen down below as always <3 -Affinity Ascension


Knock2 - dashstar* (VIP)


Violight - Stargazer