We recently found something with incredible depth and flow; a reflection into the party, bass & club world. ‘DROP 'EM’ by the incredible QUIX & SOFI is the essential essence of fully fledged send mode. Its pace and bass have an immersive character, full of bold and enchanting tones drawing away at the sun. Time around us seems to slow down, with a cold and yet warm breeze that we feel within its fiery embrace. As we are caressed by the eclectic vocals & bars brought forth from within this behemoth production, we begin to aim our sights on the party seasons ahead, as we can envision this fierce sexy track tearing its way through the scene at ferocious rates.

In short, this listen brought from us to you, is a beautiful experience dancing above the stars, unyielding its flame to the world yet embracing us with its charm. With its profound sensation, the unknown reveals itself through the rift across space; we are then carried into the shores of its eternal flight. It is above an extrasensory experience, waiting for the end where it will be cast away, yet we replay this masterpiece again and again. Lose yourself in the trance beyond its sound. Listen to ‘DROP 'EM’ by the flawless collab QUIX & SOFI down below!


Connor Hoey - Tech Control


Orisha Lux - Gaia Rising